Seguimiento de su ciclo menstrual es divertido

Las pulseras LETS Lunar Essential Tracker System han ayudado a mujeres de todo el mundo a realizar un seguimiento de sus ciclos menstruales, incluidos sus días más fértiles. Este sistema de seguimiento tiene una tasa de éxito del 95% evitando el embarazo cuando se usa correctamente con ciclos que oscilan entre 26 y 32 días. También recibirás instrucciones para personalizar tu pulsera y realizar un seguimiento de tu ciclo si está fuera de este rango. Las pulseras se han utilizado con éxito para ayudar a las mujeres a evitar embarazos no deseados, conocer mejor sus ciclos y familiarizarse con las formas en que sus cuerpos cambian durante el ciclo. Son verdaderamente un regalo para mujeres, parejas y jóvenes de todo el mundo.
Los Kits Construye una Pulsera son excelentes para momentos especiales de enseñanza para mamás o abuelas con sus niñas así como clases educativas con grupos de mujeres.

Comprar un Construir un
Kit de pulsera por $35
Aprende más sobre cómo funciona tu ciclo menstrual construyendo tu propia pulsera utilizando materiales artesanales de alta calidad.
For every bracelet kit purchased, a bracelet and training in reproductive health and basic health and wellbeing will be gifted to a woman, couple or youth in need.
What's in the Kits
LETS Build a Bracelet Kits contain:
- Full instructions on how to build your LETS Lunar Essential Tracker Bracelet.
- Cuentas ligeras de majok.
- Dark majok beads.
- 1 red bead representing your period.
- 1 essential oil diffuser bead (ovulation day bead).
- Small spacer beads to go in between the majok beads.
- Small glass beads.
- Memory wire to create your custom bracelet.
- A special LETS charm that you’ll move on a daily basis so that you can understand where you are on your cycle.
- Simple instructions on how you can use your bracelet to track your menstrual cycle and fertility.
- Free in-depth booklet, Your Cycle in Depth.
If you do not own jewelry pliers, you can order them as an addition via the below link.

Learn Together
Build your bracelet alone or enjoy creating bracelets with others. These kits provide an excellent opportunity to educate and spend quality time with loved ones such as daughters, granddaughters or partners, friends, students, class members or those you serve.
- Order one or two for you and your daughter and share with her how to use the bracelet to track her menstrual cycle while you build the bracelet together.
- Build your bracelet with the partner in your life so they can share in this process and empower your choices together.
- Create a Build a Bracelet party or class with your friends and empower each other. It includes an aromatherapy bead so is excellent for educational classes of this nature. Coming of age birthday parties or first period parties are another fun way to use them.
- Offer Build a Bracelet sessions at your school, hospital, community organization, non-profit or church.
Invest in this time together to start the conversation about how our bodies work and the things we go through as women. This may be one of the most empowering gifts you can give.

Your Cycle in Depth Free Booklet
When you purchase a Build a Bracelet Kit we’ll send you a link to download your free guide, Your Cycle in Depth, which provides more essential information that will help you get to know your body and your cycle even better. If you’re building your bracelet in a group or with a loved one we recommend you refer to Your Cycle in Depth and discuss the questions we’ve provided and any other questions that come up.
You can also purchase Your Cycle in Depth as a printed booklet.
Discounts for Bulk Orders
LETS offers discounts for bulk orders of the Build a Bracelet Kits which are:
- 2 Build a Bracelet Kits - $30 each
- 5+ Build a Bracelet Kits - $25 each
- 20+ Build a Bracelet Kits - $20 each
See the discount codes in the shop.
Order your Build a Bracelet kit today and share this with your friends so you can get your bracelet building party started.