How Your Bracelet Works

Track the Signs and Symptoms of each Phase

Track the Phases of your Menstrual Cycle

Understand your Body Better
What Each Bead Means

Wear it or Watch it
Wear your bracelet or keep it close by to track your menstrual cycle including your most fertile days. You’ll notice the changes in your cycle and will feel more empowered and connected with your body.
How to Use the Beads to Track

Not Having a Menstrual Cycle? Other Ways you Can Use Your Bracelet
LETS bracelets are being used by women, couples and youth to inspire their lives and track important daily routines like water consumption, hugs, affirmations, acts of kindness to self and to others or moments of gratitude. Daily habits can transform lives. Move the charm daily or within a day to track the things that matter to you and help you feel more positive and in control of your life.

—Courtney B.

“I love LETS because the organization has a grand vision in action to empower people globally with the gift of education on fertility and overall health (body, mind, spirit, and environment). It may seem like a tall order to say this could decrease human trafficking, poverty and abuse, but the LETS solution has already had great impact."
—Brittany S.

“This bracelet reminds me every time that I wear it that there are so many people in the world that are less fortunate in so many ways than myself and my family. When someone buys a bracelet it helps LETS to change these people's lives through essential education while also changing our lives as we get to know our bodies better.”
—Nancy P.

“What I love most about the bracelet is that it is fashionable all the while keeps me informed with my body. I have never been the one to keep track of my periods and ovulation. Now I have no excuse. It’s pretty and easy to use!”
—Raven S

“I think these bracelets are very cute and trendy! My bracelet helps me keep track of my menstrual cycle including when I'm most fertile. These can be used as a teaching tool to educate both women and men about the menstrual cycle. It is vital for both to learn and to be aware of a woman’s body to prevent unplanned pregnancies."