Our founder, Kristin Van Wey, is a passionate health and wellbeing specialist and has worked with thousands of people to empower their lives through health and lifestyle consultations, mentoring and support. She combines proven essential oils and products with other powerful modalities that she uses with clients and in the field when she’s working in crisis communities on behalf of LETS. Through this work and the work of LETS education, she’s witnessed thousands of lives changed for the better and hope flowing back into their daily experiences.
Depending on your needs Kristin and her team will take you through:
- How to prioritize and create solutions for your top 3 health priorities. This could include looking at physical, emotional, energetic or financial priorities.
- A professional assessment of the specific doTERRA products and supporting modalities that can bring you back into harmony. They’ve helped thousands of people and this customized assessment will be specific to you.
- Lifestyle changes that support and harmonize your cycle.
- How to gain more control over your emotions using proven practices and tools.
- Any questions you have about how to use the LETS Bracelet and other tools effectively.
- Opportunities for you to get involved in helping other women while also caring for yourself.
You’ll have the opportunity to speak with one of the leading voices on health and wellbeing and gain insights that are tailored specifically to you. Kristin and her team are offering this opportunity as she believes that people just like you deserve access to resources and support. She’s building a powerful tribe of individuals who are passionate about empowerment. You’ll start the process of building your personal roadmap to vitality.

The digestive system can be up to 30 feet long in adults and is incredibly important for both nutrition and reducing toxicity. What you eat and drink matters and is why it’s so important to choose your food and liquids wisely. Did you know that digestion begins in the mouth? Chew your food until it becomes liquid and mix your drinks with the saliva as this sends chemical messages to the pancreas to send the proper digestive enzymes to the stomach. As you chew your food, it breaks down nutrients into parts small enough for your body to absorb and use for cell repair, energy and growth. Your gut contains trillions of bacteria and fungi that live in your gastrointestinal tract and have a huge influence on your body weight, metabolism, mental health, immune system, mood, appetite and risk of illness. Finally, all fiber and unused parts of the food must be released. Elimination is one of the key factors in health. A good rule to follow is: Eliminate through the bowels as many times a day as the meals you eat. For example, 3 meals a day equals 3 bowel movements a day.
Support a healthy digestive tract
Recognize that processed foods can be a contributing factor if you are tired and sick. It’s important to reduce or stop consuming them. The food industry currently sells large amounts of processed products that:
- Are high in fat and sugar.
- Often contain toxins such as additives.
- Have little nutrient quality.
- Are highly addictive.
- Fail to support gut microbiome.
- Harm the lining of the digestive tract.
- Wear out your vital detoxification organs such as the liver and kidneys.
- Clog up your system so that the toxins absorb into the body.
These products are not real food and are likely empty calories. They are created to activate your taste buds so your brain will think they’re fantastic but minutes, hours, or sometimes years later your body will indicate to you that it’s suffering. You can learn to recognize foods that help your body thrive and those that don’t. Mindful eating can be a wonderful part of self-care and love. Supplementing your diet with digestive enzymes can make digestion much easier and effective.
Get enthusiastic about vital, living foods
Once you wean yourself off the addiction and rollercoaster of processed foods, your body will slowly begin to crave and thrive on living foods such as fruit and vegetables. Fruit will taste sweeter, vegetables will be satisfying, water will feel invigorating. This will take time but you’ll start seeing that your skin is brighter, your bowels move regularly and easily and you’ll experience less pain and more brain clarity.
Populate your gut
The truth is that we wouldn’t survive without the good bacteria populating our gut. Research has shown that the more diverse the good bacteria the better and that the fibre from fruits and vegetables supports this bacteria. In particular, eat foods that contain polyphenols and phytochemicals such as fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains, beans, nuts and seeds as these act as antioxidants that act as fuel for healthy microbes. Using a probiotic is a great way to help keep a balance of healthy bacteria in your gut.
Lifelong Vitality Supplement Trio (plant based available also- Vegan LLV) :
Even those with clean diets will find it challenging to meet all of their nutritional needs. It’s recommended that all adults take nutritional supplements to fill in nutritional gaps. The trio includes:
- Microplex VMz – Food Nutrient Complex – a clean and bioavailable source of vitamins, minerals and super foods that fill in the nutritional gaps.
- Omega/xOmega – Supports brain, heart, cell and joint health.
- Alpha CRS+- Supports the mitochondria and energy centers of the cell. Partners with free radicals and helps to reduce the body’s normal inflammatory response.
Terrazyme – Digestive Enzyme Complex:
A high quality digestive enzyme complex has a blend of active whole-food enzymes. A digestive enzyme complex supports healthy digestion of food and helps convert nutrients to energy. It will help your body break down proteins and food that you may be unfamiliar with.
PB Assist – Probiotic Formula:
You’ll need a good quality probiotic formula with FOS (Fructo-oligosaccharide). Probiotics will restore the natural balance of gut bacteria. FOS is a prebiotic and is found naturally in foods such as bananas, artichokes and onions. Increasing the levels of soluble fiber in the diet from FOS has been shown to reduce or eliminate digestive issues, such as occasional constipation or diarrhoea. This regulatory effect may also be caused in part by FOS feeding the good bacteria in the colon.
Zendocrine Complex – Detoxification Complex:
Think of this as the chimney sweep. Many people experience occasional constipation or diarrhoea when travelling and this is an excellent support in this area. This detoxification blend is a whole food complex that is designed to nurture and support your elimination and endocrine organs. It may also help move out unwanted toxins, waste matter and pathogens. If bowels are moving less than optimally, this is your new best friend.
Digestzen Oil Blend:
It helps to aid digestion, soothe occasional stomach upset, and maintain overall digestive health. This unique blend contains Ginger, Fennel, and Coriander to help ease occasional stomach discomfort, including motion sickness and indigestion, while Peppermint, Tarragon, Anise, and Caraway aid with digestion and help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. It may also help to counter any pathogens or parasites that may be a part of the food that you eat.

The immune system is made up of a network of organs, tissues, and cells that work together to protect you from invaders such as viruses, bacteria and foreign bodies. When your immune system is operating well you have more energy, feel better and you’re less prone to infection. There are many contributing factors to a strong immune system and it’s the daily lifestyle choices that make the biggest difference. We talked about nutrition and elimination as supporting the digestive tract, but they are also one of the most important aspects of immunity. Immune systems get compromised when toxicity isn’t managed. Daily bowel movements, hydration and quarterly reboot cleanses can keep your system humming. In addition, so many of us live in an over sanitized world, don’t get enough sun and take pharmaceutical drugs that can have a damaging effect on our immune system. The good news is that research has found many practices and natural support that can stabilize and support your immune system. The key to health is to be consistent with introducing and using these practices in your life.
Make sure that particular micronutrients are part of your diet or you have adequate supplementation.
Research has shown deficiencies in the following reduce the immune response in animals so make sure you have adequate intake:
- Zinc – legumes, seeds, nuts, whole grains.
- Selenium – brazil nuts (very high so only eat a handful a few times a week), mushrooms, spinach, cashews, bananas.
- Copper – seeds, nuts, leafy greens.
- Folic Acid – citrus fruits, beans, leafy green vegetables, whole grains.
- Vitamin A – found in carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, apricots, spinach, kale and collard greens.
- Vitamin B6 – whole grains, soy beans, potatoes, peanuts.
- Vitamin C – citrus fruits, berries, kale, dark leafy greens such as kale, mustard greens and chard.
Do a quarterly reboot cleanse
Bringing your baseline toxicity to a normal range will keep your immune system prepared for times of higher stress and lifestyle indulgences. There are many cleanses out there such as juicing, fasting and programs such as the doTERRA 30 day cleanse. Learn to listen to your body before it gets sick and reduce your toxic load preventatively. If you do get sick nothing is wrong with your body it’s doing exactly what it needs to do to protect you. It is talking to you. Illness is how the body reduces the toxic load when it’s reached its threshold.
Get sunshine in your life
Research recommends 10-30 mins of sun exposure three times a week or more and longer for people who have darker skin. Sunshine generates Vitamin D in the body which supports the health of the immune system as well as the brain and nervous systems. This has a positive influence on mood. When your eye is exposed to sun neurons are stimulated in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that influences mood. This results in the nerve impulses travelling to the pineal gland which regulates serotonin, a feel good hormone linked to mood.
Reduce stress
Stress can have a significant down regulating effect on the immune system. Stress releases hormones such as cortisol, which is fine in small doses but if it continues to be produced over longer periods of time has a negative effect on the immune system response. Exercise has been proven to alleviate and reduce our stress response. It reduces cortisol and adrenaline. It also produces endorphins which are chemicals in the brain that act as painkillers and increase mood. Learning to deep breathe is another way to manage stress responses. Including calming essential oils into slow, deep breathing techniques will exponentially increase your results as you work directly with brain chemistry, the blood and the lungs. When you breathe slowly and rhythmically it triggers the parasympathetic system to calm itself immediately. Being in nature, journaling and finding things to be grateful for on a regular bases are excellent antidotes to stress. Our favorite way to help with stress is to find a cause to serve.
Microplex VMz – Food Nutrient Complex:
This complex contains the micronutrients needed to support the immune system.
On Guard – Protective Oil Blend:
This blend has positive effects on the immune system. protects against environmental threats and contains strong antibacterial and antiviral oils to combat bacteria and pathogens.
Melaleuca Oil:
Protects against environmental and seasonal threats and promotes a healthy immune function. One of the best antifungals known.
Frankincense Oil:
Supports a healthy immune system response and supports anxious feelings during times of stress and occasional mood swings. It’s one of the best oils for the nervous system
Clove Oil:
Protects against environmental threats and promotes a healthy immune response when under stress.
Melissa Oil:
Strong antiviral and supports a healthy immune system.
Oregano Oil:
Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.
Turmeric Oil:
Helps promote a positive inflammatory response and does an excellent job at increasing immune response.
Copaiba Oil:
One of the best oils to support a calming effect for painful feelings in the emotions and physical body.

At LETS we work with people from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. We’ve found that there’s a consistent link between people who keep their minds healthy and how well they treat their bodies. An unhealthy mind often results in an unhealthy body. Research and personal experience increasingly demonstrates that consistent healthy mind practices and natural support make pursuing a healthy mind possible. We’re going to share a few of these with you.
Be consciously aware of what you focus on:
When you focus on positive things such as being courageous and persistent, caring, loving, trusting others and doing the right thing, you end up feeling happier, stronger and empowered. This includes how you spend your time online and the kinds of people you allow into your life. When you focus on negative things such as hate, resistance and fear this activates stress hormones which make your body less resilient, more prone to sickness and weaker. Your thoughts really do affect your body so be aware and notice the differences when you focus them on things that grow your mind and experience, bring you joy and uplift yourself and others.
Always learn:
Learning comes in many forms and there is a perfect way for each of us. Constantly learning and being exposed to information and new experiences stimulates our intellect and creates a well-rounded individual. The mind loves to find solutions so learning to ask the right questions keeps us constantly growing. Find things you’re interested and passionate about and explore them.
Set goals:
Setting goals is very important for your wellbeing. Goal setting makes you feel like you’re growing and learning and gives you a purpose. When you set goals make sure you detail and pursue the small steps to get there rather than getting overwhelmed. You can also set goals with your health and healthy eating and exercise but remember, it’s all about the small, consistent steps.
Have courage:
At LETS we tell every single student that we teach that they must have courage to shine! Be who you are and do what brings you joy. Remember that courage needs momentum so take that first step toward your goals and dreams You’ll find it’s infectious. Once people see you have courage to be who you are, you’ll inspire them to have courage too. What are some areas in your life that you can face with courage?
Lavender Oil:
Promotes sleep, reduces feelings of anxiousness and elevated emotions.
Serenity – Restful Oil Blend: Helps calm and relax when stressful feelings arise. This oil blend is all about tranquillity and helps manage feelings of frustration with underlying feelings of anger or agitation.
Frankincense Oil:
Induces feelings of peace, satisfaction and overall wellness all reduces anxious feelings and dark emotions. It is relaxing and supportive to the nervous system.
Melissa Oil:
Calms tension and nerves and promotes feelings of relaxation.