Change the world, one bracelet at a time.

Buy one or more Lunar Essential Tracker bracelets a month delivered directly to you and we’ll gift a bracelet to a woman, couple or youth in need.

Donate the cost of one or more bracelets monthly and we’ll give two bracelets to two women, couples or youth in need.

Opt out at anytime. No questions asked.

Impact lives while empowering your own.

Be a part of ending human trafficking, child poverty and abuse every month.
What is the Empowerment Club?
The Empowerment Club is a community of passionate individuals that want to change the world and who understand that the most powerful way to do this is through small acts of service and compassion.
When you join the Empowerment Club you have two options:

More About Purchase
Your bracelet connects you with a woman, couple or youth in another part of the world. You are purchasing one half of the solution and they’ll be gifted the other. Your bracelet symbolizes this connection and the beauty of truly caring for each other. You can keep the bracelet for yourself or choose to gift the bracelets you receive to women or organizations in your community. Your gifts will grow awareness and bring empowerment and may prevent unplanned pregnancies and abortions. Some people or groups you could gift to are: mothers and daughters, church and youth groups, hospitals, schools, shelters and medical or church mission trip groups. Your contributions will bring hope to many communities and change futures. As you wear your bracelet a person in need is wearing theirs and is very grateful for your gift.
Each month you’ll receive one or more Lunar Essential Tracker System Bracelets. The bracelets are not only beautiful fashion accessories but also help to track menstrual cycles, year in, year out. Women can understand when they are more fertile and most likely to conceive and also have a far greater awareness of the changes in their bodies.
We’ll cycle the bracelets each month so you’ll receive different bracelet styles and colors according to what we have in stock. Sometimes you might receive a similar style or color, which you can either keep or gift to someone in need. With each bracelet you’ll receive a small information card that will show you or others exactly how to use the bracelet.
Shipping for US & Canada:
Orders should arrive within 5-7 business days. Shipping and handling costs will be provided at checkout.
We ship internationally:
International orders should arrive within 12-14 business days.
Shipping and handling costs will be provided at checkout.
Commit to donating the cost of one or more Lunar Essential Tracker System Bracelets per month. For each bracelet donated we’ll gift two bracelets and essential training in reproductive health and basic health and wellbeing to two women, couples or youth in need every month. Each month we’ll gift the donated bracelets to women and couples new to the training. Imagine how your impact will increase month by month.
Membership is US$30 per month per bracelet with no shipping or handling costs.

Why the Empowerment Club?
As LETS has been growing we’ve heard from people globally that they’d really like to make a difference, but don’t have the resources to invest in larger donations. We wanted to turn our vision of empowerment into a reality for anyone with a heart for the cause of ending human trafficking, child poverty and abuse and empowering women and families. The Empowerment Club makes it easy for people to have tangible and lasting impact.
The continuous sale of bracelets also allows us to employ farmers, artisans and full-time leaders and instructors in the communities we partner with. Your purchase is the difference between sustainable programs and education and a one-time class.
How the Bracelet Works

Be Empowered By Your Fertility

Track Your Most Fertile Days

Understand Your Body Better
What Each Bead Means

Wear your bracelet or keep it close by to track your fertility. You’ll notice the changes in your cycle and will feel more empowered and connected with your body.
Each day, you move the charm to the next bead to keep track of where you are in your cycle. The red bead is the first day of your period so move the charm on the morning of day 2 of your period.
This system has a 95% success rate in avoiding pregnancy when used correctly with cycles ranging from 26-32 days. See research for more information.
LETS bracelets are being used by women and men to inspire their lives and track important daily routines like water consumption, acts of kindness to self and to others or moments of gratitude. Daily habits are powerful and can transform lives. Move the charm daily or within the day to track the things that matter most. It can help you feel more positive and in control of your life.
“This bracelet reminds me every time that I wear it that there are so many people in the world that are less fortunate in so many ways than myself and my family. While my son had the opportunity to go to and complete college, there are so many young men and women in developing countries (as well as here in the USA) who didn’t have that option. When someone buys a bracelet it allows the LET’S initiative to pay back to the Haitian community and spreading the word will hopefully allow them to take it globally.”
— Nancy P.
“I love my LETS bracelet and what it represents. I love that the proceeds go towards employing Haitian women so that they can provide for their families. I love that each bead is handcrafted using recycled materials. I love supporting innovative and thoughtful projects.”
— Katherine H.
Managing Your Membership
You can manage your Empowerment Club membership through your LETS Account. Any recurring memberships you have are called subscriptions in the LETS account system. You will be asked to create an account when you become a member of The Empowerment Club.
You can cancel your subscription, change your address, change your payment method and view your subscription/membership history. You will have full control over your account. We thank you for committing to this cause and to changing lives everyday.
If you’ve opted for the purchase option: if you’re planning on moving please make sure you update your account details with your change of address 30 days prior to your scheduled direct debit via your LETS account so that your bracelet/s are sent to the correct address.
Choose Your Empowerment Club Option

Commit to buying one or more Lunar Essential Tracker System Bracelets per month. For each bracelet you purchase we will gift one woman, couple or youth in need a bracelet and essential training in reproductive health and basic health and wellbeing.